
The RMFN-Asia is governed represented by each member country. The Advisory Committee is responsible for providing strategic direction to the regional secretariat, promoting the Model Forest approach, networking between sites, membership and other major decisions. Our Chair is based at the Royal Forest Department in Thailand and supports the day-to-day operations of the regional network, facilitates knowledge sharing, coordinates meetings, promotes the Model Forest approach, and maintains regional communications. The Asia office works closely with the IMFN Secretariat in Ottawa, Canada.

We are guided by operating principles (guidelines for the performance of RMFN–Asia) and a transparent governance structure (the decision-making framework that reflects members’ needs and context).

As a network, we operate on the following values:

  1. Creating transparency & accountability for members
  2. Building on partnerships
  3. Cost-sharing
  4. Consensus building
  5. Equitability in decision making and resource allocation
  6. Unity in diversity
  7. Respect differences of values, political, culture, social and economic conditions
  8. Priority given to the sustainable management of forests and natural resources