Our Vision

To enhance Asia’s forests and other ecosystem services at the landscape level to sustainably meet stakeholder needs and values.

To realize that vision, members of the RMFN–Asia have agreed to focus their collective efforts on six priority areas: poverty alleviation, livelihoods and food security; forest restoration and biodiversity conservation; water security; landscape governance; climate change; and gender equity and equality.


Common expectations of Regional Network members:

  • Networking: Regional and national networking among key actors in forest-based natural resources management in Asia
  • Expertise: Gaining expertise and resource personnel from across the region to advance the Model Forest approach
  • Knowledge: Serve as a clearinghouse for relevant information related to forest sustainability
  • Capacity-Building: Provide training in conflict management, facilitation, planning, integrated natural resource management, resource mobilization and networking
  • Facilitation: Support member countries and facilitate decision-making and agreements among Model Forests
  • Financing: Explore opportunities for seeking financial support from various sources